Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening!
(1 Samuel 3:9)
Let these prayer of Samuel be my first prayer in my quiet time with the Lord. When I say "Speak Lord!", let me not
forget to add: "Because Your servant is listening!" It would be
hypocritical if I say, "Speak, Lord’’, when I am not ready to listen"
May I pray this prayer with a willingness to listen to His Word, eagerness to obey His commandments, with delight in His
Speak, Lord, that I may learn your statutes, speak
that I may know You, speak that I may walk the narrow path in the light of Your
Word. Speak that my mind be renewed,may my life be sanctified, speak so that
Your Word fills my heart and leaves no room for anything else.
Speak, Father, for Your daughter is listening.
my diary,
August 25, 2022