вторник, 28 февраля 2023 г.

My expectation is from God


My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. Psalm 62:5

The psalmist's expectation is from God, not from men.

He has great expectations because he has a great God who has done great things, made great promises, delivered from great troubles, granted great blessings. I will also remind myself. "Hripsime, wait only for God, for my expectation is from Him.

 From my diary,

February 27, 2023

воскресенье, 26 февраля 2023 г.

God knows

’’…for I know their sorrows’’(Exodus 3:7).

The comfort of God's children in sorrows is this: the Lord knows their sorrows. If I don't know the causes of my sorrows, if I don’t know the way out of my troubles, I will be peaceful knowing that my Father knows. He not only knows, but also can and wants to deliver me of  my sorrows. The Lord himself says, I know. The "I know" He said gives me assurance in the many "I don't know"-s I said. Sorrows will not discourage me if I remember that He is aware of my sorrows.

If He knows my sorrows, I will show my trust in Him by patience, by thankfulness and peacefulness.

 From my diary,

February 26, 2023


Grow in grace


"Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18).
I have found another prayer topic to pray for myself and for all God's children. This is a commandment, therefore it should become a prayer. If God's Word commands us to grow in grace, then we should pray to grow in grace. God loves to answer such prayers because He has commanded it.

If we grow in grace, we discover our weakness, our misery, and the power and glory of God. As we grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ, our self-confidence decreases, our trust in God increases, our love for the world decreases, our love for God and His Word increases.

So, I will pray that I will grow in grace, grow until the return of Him by whose grace we are saved.

From my diary,

February 25, 2023

пятница, 24 февраля 2023 г.

Pilgrim's war against fleshly lusts


Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. 1 Peter 2:11

If my citizenship is in heaven, then I am a sojourner and a pilgrim on earth. If I am a pilgrim, the fleshly lusts of the world war against my soul.

As long as I am a sojourner, and have not reached the city of which I am a citizen, I have a battle to fight.

Fleshly lusts should be fought immediately; even a little delay leads to defeat, I have to fight intensely; compromise leads to defeat, I  have to fight constantly; the truce leads to defeat.

I am a stranger to this world, a pilgrim, so I want to fight with all my might against the fleshly lusts.

From my diary,

February 24, 2023

The promise, the mansion, the way


In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.  And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. (John 14:2-4).

There is a prepared place; it is prepared by Jesus.

There is a promise: I will come again

There is a way to that place, and that is Jesus.

The promise is from Jesus, therefore it will definitely be fulfilled, the place is prepared by Jesus, therefore it is ready, the way is Jesus, therefore we will definitely reach our destination.

We have a promise, we have a way, we have a ready mansion.

So I will believe and wait for the fulfillment of the promise, I will walk on the true Way, let my heart be ready and be in heaven, where my ready mansion is.

From my diary,

February 22, 2023

среда, 22 февраля 2023 г.

Even now


But I know, that even now, whatsoever Thou wilt ask of God, God will give it Thee. John 11:22

Martha's faith was genuine, although not very strong, but it was genuine. She didn't say, "I know that if You had been here, my brother would not have died, but it's too late, nothing can be done now." But she said: "Even now..." Her brother was dead, but her faith was alive.

In the most difficult situations, when it seems that there is no hope, faith says that the Lord can show a way out even now.

Now I also have worries, I have problems that seem unsolvable to me, but I will say like Martha; "Even now..."

True faith doesn’t say ‘’it's too late’’, but  it says  ‘’even now’’.

From my diary,

February 22, 2023

Heart, the storehouse for God's Word


My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee. Proverbs 7:1

The storehouse, where the Word of God should be stored, is the heart.

Joseph kept the Word of God, his father's commandments and teachings in his heart, that's why he came out victorious during the temptation by Potiphar’s wife.

Samson did not remember the Word of God and became a victim of Delilah.

I must write the Word of God not just in my notebook but also in my heart, and I will always overcome any temptation.

From my diary,

February 21, 2023

вторник, 21 февраля 2023 г.

Right trust, right steps

I have trusted also in the LORD; therefore I shall not slide. Psalm 26:1

The psalmist knows that he will not slide. This is not self-confidence, if he trusted himself, he would not only slide but fall. He trusted in the Lord. How can he fall if he leans on mighty arms?

If my trust is in the right place, my steps will be right.

From my diary,

February 20, 2023

понедельник, 20 февраля 2023 г.

Right desire, right understanding, right prayer

 Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me,

For You are the God of my salvation;On You I wait all the day. Psalm 25:4,5
The psalmist has a right desire; to understand the ways of the Lord, to be led in His Truth. He has the right understanding; he understands his lack of knowledge, he understands who can teach him. That's why he brings the right prayer: show me Your ways, teach me Your paths, lead me in Your Truth. He asks the Lord to teach him, because he is ready to learn, because it is important to him, because he cannot trust anyone else. He says, show me Your paths, because he is ready to walk in them, he says, lead me, because he wants to follow Him.
The right desire, the right understanding led to right prayer; that prayer could not go unanswered.

From my diary,

February 19, 2023

суббота, 18 февраля 2023 г.

Flee, kill and keep yourself pure!

’’… keep yourself pure’’ (1Timothy 5:22).

What Paul said to Timothy says to all Christians, especially young people.

Keep yourself pure, keep your heart, your thoughts pure,  because only the pure in heart will see God, without holiness no one will see God.

To keep yourself pure, keep  your heart with all diligence, keep your feet from every evil path, keep the Word of God in your heart, don’t keep any wicked thing before your eyes.

To keep yourself pure, flee! Flee from youthful lusts, from all appearance of evil, from the corruption of the world.

To keep yourself pure, kill!  Kill the deeds of the body, all sinful thoughts and desires before they can give birth to sin.

Keep yourself pure to glorify your Lord, to grieve the devil, to be safe and happy, to be an example to others.

Keep yourself pure at all times and everywhere, keep yourself pure when none but God sees you.

Keep yourself pure  if you want to go to the place where nothing impure will enter.

From my diary,

February 17, 2023


пятница, 17 февраля 2023 г.

The Lord doesn't want a praise where the heart is absent


I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. Psalm 9:1

Praise begins in the heart. When there is praise in the heart, there is something to tell. The psalmist does not praise halfheartedly, but with his whole heart, telling not just a few of the Lord's works, but all of His marvelous works. And since God's works are countless, telling  them is a daily activity, Every person saved by God's grace, sanctified by His Word, renewed by His Spirit, freed from sin by His mercy has something to tell.

Every morning new mercies  come, every day He sends new blessings, shows new wonders in His Word, teaches new lessons. He never ceases to amaze me, so my heart never ceases to marvel at His love, His holiness, His power, His wisdom, my mouth never ceases to tell of His deeds.

Lord, give me a heart that remembers your works, You don't want a praise where the heart is absent.

From my diary,

February 16, 2023

четверг, 16 февраля 2023 г.

But at Your Word


But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” Luke 5:5

Laziness was not the reason for the lack of results. Work had been done, effort had been made, and that too without pause, all night long. There was effort, there was no result. But Jesus did not tell them to stop working because there was no result, nor did He promise to give them fish without working, but He commanded them to continue working, but in the place He showed them.

Peter did not say, "Lord, I have a lot of experience, I'm a skilled fisherman, it doesn't make sense, because we worked so hard, there was no result." He admitted that his efforts were in vain, but he willingly accepted the solution Jesus offered. Obedience to the Word of Jesus always produces results. Peter said: "At Your Word", acted by His Word and saw the power of His Word.

All the characters in the Bible saw the effect of acting on His Word. At His Word Noah built the ark and his whole family was saved, at His Word Moses streched out his hand and they crossed the Red Sea, at His Word the people of God marched around Jericho and its walls fell down.

When my efforts are in vain, I should not stop trying, but continue working by His Word. Even if I said, "Lord, I made a lot of effort, I prayed a lot, but nothing worked", now let me say like Peter; "But at Your Word I will do it."

There is no one who follows His Word and is disappointed.

From my diary,

February 15, 2023

среда, 15 февраля 2023 г.

Shut in by God, saved by God


’’…and the LORD shut him in.’’ (Genesis 7:16).

’’…and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark’’ (Genesis 7:23).

Until the flood began, being shut in the ark could be seen as a restriction of freedom; Those inside could not go anywhere they wanted. Those outside might think they are free. But when the flood started, it became clear that those who were locked in were free, they were free from the danger of death, and the "free" outside were lost.

Those shut in by God are those saved by God.  And not Noah, but God Himself closed the door of the ark, separating those inside from those outside. Those outside could have fun and party, those inside could not participate, but they were safe. When God separates us from the world, He closes the door so that we are not connected to the outside world, and it is not to limit us, but to save us.

From my diary,

February 14, 2023

вторник, 14 февраля 2023 г.

I flee unto Thee


Not everyone will pray in this way, and not everyone will look for this hiding place.

The one who flees to the Lord and seeks refuge in Him knows several important things.

1. He knows about the dangers, trials and snares of the enemy around him. He doesn't pretend they don't exist. Therefore, he cannot be careless and indifferent.

2. He knows about his own weakness. Therefore, he cannot be proud.

3.He knows that there is a safe hiding place to avoid danger and knows who that Hiding Place is. Therefore, he does not hesitate to run to that Refuge, and he is sure that he is safe in that Hiding Place.

4. He knows that time should not be wasted,, so he goes to hide not by walking, but by running. He flees to that Refuge!

5. He knows that the Lord will never cast out those who seek refuge in Him. So he goes by faith.

I also know about the dangers that surround me, about the weaknesses in me, I know about the safe Refuge and I know that the Lord is ready to hide me in Him, therefore I run to hide in my safe hiding place, in my Shelter.

From my diary,

February 13, 2023

воскресенье, 12 февраля 2023 г.

Love for God’s Word and prayer for quickening


Consider how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O LORD, according to thy lovingkindness. Psalm 119:159

The psalmist loves God's Word, so he asks for quickening.  Love for God's Word is a good argument for prayer. Because he loves God's Word, he wants to obey God's precepts, and he knows he cannot do it  without God’s strength. Therefore, he asks the Lord to revive him.

 I love Your Word, quicken me to obey it, to tell others, to reject everything that is contrary to Your Word.

 From my diary,

February 12, 2023

Love for God's Word and peace

Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble. Psalm 119:165

Peace is the result of love for God's Word. It is not written that great peace have those who know God's Word, who read it, preach it, but those who love God's Word. Lovers of God's Word are thankful for God's Word, meditate on God's Word,delight in God's Word, grieve when they sin against it.

Nothing will cause them to stumble: neither wealth, nor tribulations, persecutions. nor the bad behavior of the so-called Christians. Such people  have peace in their conscience, in their heart, in their mind, they have peace with God and, as far as it depends on them, they have peace with all people.

 From my diary,

February 11, 2023

суббота, 11 февраля 2023 г.

Love for God’s Word and hate for falsehood


I hate and abhor falsehood, but I love Your law. Psalm 119:163

I hate the double-minded, but I love Your law. Psalm 119:113

God's law is truth, and it is obvious that those who love truth should hate its opposite, falsehood.The psalmist hates all kinds of lies and falsehood in everything: falsehood in words, in deeds, in teaching.

Falsehood is hated by God, and  by those who love God's Word.

From my diary,

February 10, 2023

пятница, 10 февраля 2023 г.

Loving and keeping

 My soul keeps Your testimonies, And I love them exceedingly. Psalm 119:167

The psalmist keeps God's Word and loves it exceedingly. Keeping and loving are connected. He loves God's Word, therefore he keeps it. People always keep the things they love carefully, they keep them like a treasure in the best place, they don't carelessly put them somewhere.

The psalmist doesn't just like God's Word, he loves it exceedingly. Because God's Word is exceedingly wonderful, exceedingly powerful, exceedingly wise,  exceedingly effective, therefore it deserves exceeding love.

From my diary,

February 9, 2023

четверг, 9 февраля 2023 г.

Love for God's Word and purity


Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it. - Psalm 119:140

 Once  a dear sister told me that her husband, a pastor, had read a passage from Psalm 119  at the meeting. She told me, "When he read that Psalm, I  remembered you right away".  I know that many believers know me as someone who loves the  Psalm 119. But the most important thing is for the Lord to recognize me as a lover of His Word described in that psalm.

The psalmist loves the Word of God and knows why he loves it. God’s  Word is pure and has cleansing power. The sinners who grieve for their sins love  the Word of God because they long  to be cleansed by that pure, cleansing Word. Those who are purified by the Word of God love God’s Word, because the pure love what is pure. They hate everything that is contrary to that Word, they desire to live in that Word, they strive to live in accordance with that Word;  in holiness.

From my diary,

February 8, 2023

вторник, 7 февраля 2023 г.

Love and delight


And I will delight myself in Your commandments, which I love. Psalm 119:47

If you love something, you delight in it.

A sure sign that you love God's Word is that you delight in it.

The psalmist delights in God's Word, that is why God's Word is sweeter than honey to him.

How sweet are Your words to my taste,
Sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Psalm 119:103

He delights in the Word of God, therefore he cannot forget it.

I will delight myself in Your statutes;
I will not forget Your word. Psalm 119:16

You will not forget something you love, something you delight in.

He prays to see  the wonders of God's Word.

Open my eyes, that I may see
Wondrous things from Your law. Psalm 119:18

He prays that he may walk in the path of God's commandments because he delights in it.

Make me walk in the path of Your commandments,
For I delight in it. Psalm 119:35

He prays that  the tender mercies of God come to him,  and for this prayer he has the right argument: ‘’For Your law is my delight’’. Psalm 119:77

He is not perished in his  affliction, because he has a source of comfort, because God’s law has been his delight.

Unless Your law had been my delight,
I would then have perished in my affliction. Psalm 119:92

 He delights in God’s Word, therefore His commandments are precious to him, more than fine gold. (Psalm 119:127).

If I love God’s Word, I will delight in it.

 If I delight in it, I will pray to see its wondrous things, I will not forget it, I will find comfort in it, I will long to walk in it.

From my diary,

February 7, 2023