"For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor might be in vain." - 1 Thessalonians 3:5
The apostle Paul was concerned about the Christians in Thessalonica, lest the tempter tempt them and all the labor Paul had done be in vain.
A lot of work has been done for us as well. The greatest work was done by the Lord in saving us through His sacrifice. The apostles and prophets did a great job in passing down the Bible to us. God's servants have done a great job teaching us the Word of God, rebuking, exhorting, and praying for us. I have to be careful that their work is not in vain.
A constant guard team against temptation is needed: constant prayer, reading, and meditating on God's Word, a hatred of sin, love for God, and a desire for holiness. Thanks to the round-the-clock surveillance of that guard team, the tempter will not achieve his goal, and the work done for us will not be in vain.
Satan's job is to suggest sin; mine is to reject it. The more we oppose the devil, the more we glorify the Lord and delight Him, and the more we are strengthened. Also, the more the enemy rages and develops new methods, sets new traps, so I need more prayer, more vigilance, and more arming myself with the Word of God.
Let me remember that the devil can suggest sin, he can tempt, deceive, and ensnare, but he cannot force us to sin. He roars like a lion, but if the guard team against sin is present, he cannot devour us.
Sin-loving hearts invite the temptation to sin, but in the true Christian's life, temptations are uninvited guests or a suddenly attacking enemy army. Temptation does not ask for permission to come; therefore, watchfulness is needed.
From my diary,
August 25, 2023