четверг, 31 августа 2023 г.

Perfect peace

 " Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee." - Isaiah 26:3

True peace is the result of having a right attitude toward the true God—trusting in Him and keeping your thoughts focused on Him.
This peace remains even in the midst of problems, as you have entrusted them to the Almighty instead of relying on your own wisdom. It persists in times of troubles, as you are sure that He is a very present help in trouble. It endures in moments of worries, knowing you have given them to Him who can bear them.
Perfect trust in the perfect God brings about perfect peace.

From my diary,

August 31,  2023

среда, 30 августа 2023 г.

True worshippers are needed!

 "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in the Truth, for the Father also is seeking such worshippers as these." - John 4:23

Worshippers are being sought in the kingdom of heaven. The seeker is God. Worshippers must meet the standards of true worship: they should worship in Spirit and Truth. It is not the Judge who seeks worshippers, but the Father. Therefore, worshippers must be the children of God.
Blessed are those who are sought as worshippers by the heavenly Father.

From my diary,

August 30,  2023

вторник, 29 августа 2023 г.

This amazing necklace- teaching from God's Word

 "Bind them always upon your heart; tie them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you." - Proverbs 6:21, 22

The commandment and teaching of godly parents originate from the Word of God. Thus, Solomon instructs us to bind the Word of God to our hearts and tie it around our necks. This remarkable necklace becomes our guide, guardian, and interlocutor.
One who holds the Word of God within their heart will not stray; they have a trustworthy guide. They remain secure from harm, for they have a guardian, and they will not feel lonely, as they have a companion to talk with them. This companion consistently offers sound counsel, correction, instruction, teaching, encouragement, and comfort.
Samson's parents had given him correct instruction, yet he had not bound it to his heart nor tied it around his neck, which led to his entrapment by Delilah. Joseph, however, kept the teachings of his godly father. As a result, the advances of Potiphar's wife were rendered fruitless.
The Word of God became a guide, guardian, and companion for him.

From my diary,

August 29,  2023

понедельник, 28 августа 2023 г.

God teaches the sinners in the way

 Good and upright is the LORD; Therefore He teaches sinners in the way. Psalm 25.8

God is holy and upright, therefore He does not like the way of sinners, but He is also good, therefore He does not want sinners to stay in their own ways, but to learn His way, to walk in His way. That is why He, the holy and righteous God, is willing to be the Teacher of sinners.
What comfort is this to sinners who want to forsake the way of sin and walk in the way of holiness! They have a perfect Teacher, let them be His diligent students!

From my diary,

August 28,  2023

воскресенье, 27 августа 2023 г.

When the Lord is before me

 "I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." - Psalm 16:8

If the Lord is always before me as a Provider, as a Source of comfort, as a Refuge, as a Teacher, and as a perfect Example, I will never worry, I will never look for joy elsewhere, I will always be safe, I will always learn from Him. If the Lord is always before me, my eyes will look at Him and not at vanities. I will grow in grace; I will hate sin, I will overcome temptations, my conscience will not find anything to reproach me.
If the Lord is always before me, I will never feel lonely.

From my diary,

August 27,  2023

суббота, 26 августа 2023 г.

A good reason for singing

 "I will sing to the LORD, Because He has dealt bountifully with me." - Psalm 13:6

The psalm begins with sorrowful words but ends with a resolve to sing and praise the Lord. Despite having enemies around him and sorrow within, the psalmist did not succumb to despair. Instead, in the face of great difficulties, he trusted in God's mercy. This is the reason behind his decision to sing. I can bear the same testimony: God has dealt bountifully with me. Therefore, I can make the same decision: I will sing to the Lord.
When you witness God's goodness and observe His works in your life, your sighs transform into songs.

From my diary,

August 26,  2023

пятница, 25 августа 2023 г.

Guard team against temptation

"For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor might be in vain." - 1 Thessalonians 3:5
The apostle Paul was concerned about the Christians in Thessalonica, lest the tempter tempt them and all the labor Paul had done be in vain.
A lot of work has been done for us as well. The greatest work was done by the Lord in saving us through His sacrifice. The apostles and prophets did a great job in passing down the Bible to us. God's servants have done a great job teaching us the Word of God, rebuking, exhorting, and praying for us. I have to be careful that their work is not in vain.
A constant guard team against temptation is needed: constant prayer, reading, and meditating on God's Word, a hatred of sin, love for God, and a desire for holiness. Thanks to the round-the-clock surveillance of that guard team, the tempter will not achieve his goal, and the work done for us will not be in vain.
Satan's job is to suggest sin; mine is to reject it. The more we oppose the devil, the more we glorify the Lord and delight Him, and the more we are strengthened. Also, the more the enemy rages and develops new methods, sets new traps, so I need more prayer, more vigilance, and more arming myself with the Word of God.
Let me remember that the devil can suggest sin, he can tempt, deceive, and ensnare, but he cannot force us to sin. He roars like a lion, but if the guard team against sin is present, he cannot devour us.
Sin-loving hearts invite the temptation to sin, but in the true Christian's life, temptations are uninvited guests or a suddenly attacking enemy army. Temptation does not ask for permission to come; therefore, watchfulness is needed. 

From my diary,

August 25,  2023


четверг, 24 августа 2023 г.

Shout and rejoice

 "Cry out and shout, O inhabitant of Zion, For great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst!” (Isaiah 12:6)

O inhabitant of spiritual Zion, Church of Christ, you cannot be silent, for the Holy One of Israel dwells in you. Great is the Holy One of Israel; great are His works, great is His love, great is His mercy, great is His wisdom, great is His power. Shout, rejoice, praise Him because He is in you. The iniquities around you cannot silence you because the Holy One of Israel, who sanctifies you, dwells in you. That is why your joy is great, so shout for joy and praise Him.

From my diary,

August 24,  2023

среда, 23 августа 2023 г.

Meditating on the Praiseworthy

"… if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." - Philippians 4:8
If my mind is filled with praiseworthy things, my life will be filled with praiseworthy deeds. I will think about the praiseworthy actions of others, I will think about how I can do praiseworthy things that will please my Lord. Thank God, I know many Christians who do praiseworthy deeds. I will think about them. But most importantly, I will think about the works of my Lord: all His works are praiseworthy. 

From my diary,

August 23,  2023

вторник, 22 августа 2023 г.

Free access for King's children

 "In whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him." - Ephesians 3:12

We're granted free access to the throne of grace . What an honor and privilege this is, one that my mind cannot fully comprehend. I didn't attain this access through my own merits (of which I have none). Rather, I received this privilege at the cost of my Saviour’s blood. I can always approach Him, asking anything, sharing everything, requesting anything. He will never grow weary of my frequent visits.
Hence, I shall rejoice in this great privilege, displaying gratitude and humility. With reverence, I will step into His holy presence.
The children of the King enjoy uninhibited entry to His palace.

From my diary,

August 22,  2023

понедельник, 21 августа 2023 г.

Though I walk in trouble, I walk with the Lord

 "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me." (Psalm 138:7)

The psalmist had confidence and comfort while walking in trouble because he was not walking alone, but with Him who is able to bring him safely through that trouble. Walking in trouble can be scary and discouraging if you walk alone or with an untrustworthy person, but the psalmist has nothing to fear because the one who walks with him is the only one who is trustworthy, the One who never disappoints those who trust in Him.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walked through the fire unscathed because there was Someone walking with them. They refused to walk at the command of the king; they walked at the command of the Lord; therefore, they walked safely through the fire.
He who walks with the Lord stays safe while walking in trouble.

From my diary,

August 21,  2023

воскресенье, 20 августа 2023 г.

It will be well for righteous



’’Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.’’ Isaiah 3:10.
Here is God's promise to the righteous: it will be well for them. It will be well because all things work together for good to those who love God. The wicked may live in luxurious mansions, but the righteous have a safe refuge on earth and a home in heaven whose beauty cannot be described. They have the food that the wicked do not have—that is, the Word of God. The righteous have a garment that the wicked do not even know about—that is, the robe of righteousness.
No matter how successful those who oppose the Word of God are, I must remember for whom the Lord spoke this word: it will be well.
How good it is that the Lord Himself has said that it will be well for the righteous.

From my diary,

August 20,  2023

суббота, 19 августа 2023 г.

Trust in the Lord, who is merciful

 "O Israel, hope in the LORD; For with the LORD there is mercy, And with Him is abundant redemption." Psalm 130:7

In the previous verses, David says that he was waiting for the Lord, he hoped in His Word, and in this verse he tells God's people to hope in the Lord. A person who trusts in the Lord can encourage others to do the same. He also tells the good reason to hope in the Lord: with the Lord there is mercy, there is abundant redepmtion.
He has abundant mercy, so let the sinners hasten to Him to receive mercy and be freed from sin, let those who are filled with fear go to receive mercy and fear no more, let those who are in temptations not despair, but hope in the Lord, who has mercy. His mercy is inexhaustible, available to all.
It is not possible for the one who hopes in the Lord to go to Him to receive mercy and hear from Him "I'm sorry, but it's all gone, there is nothing left;’’ or "I'm afraid this isn't available for you."
Is there any better news than this, that there is mercy with the Lord? And since there is mercy with Him, there is nothing to worry about.
With Him there is mercy, therefore there is joy, gratitude and peace in my heart.

From my diary,

August 19,  2023

пятница, 18 августа 2023 г.

God's promise to those who persevere to the end in the time where iniquity abounds

 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Matthew 24:12,13

There is a danger: the love of many will grow cold. And here is the cause of it: the increase of iniquity. But there is a promise for those who persevere to the end: they will be saved.
The promise is for those who will remain in the faith to the end, will progress in sanctification to the end, will battle against sin to the end, will reject sin's suggestions and false teachings to the end, will love God's Word to the end. If the love of many grows cold, the faithful few who persevere to the end will continue in God's love.
The end will come soon, but until it arrives, the call remains: persevere!

From my diary,

August 18,  2023

четверг, 17 августа 2023 г.

My Lord and fear cannot coexist

 "The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" Psalm 118:6

Here's a truth the psalmist knew well: The Lord is on my side.
Here is the right decision he made: I will not fear.
Here's his strong belief, put in a rhetorical question: What can man do to me?
The answer is simple: He can’t do anything.
He can’t because man's power is limited, but He who is on my side has unlimited power.
My Lord and fear cannot coexist.

From my diary,

August 17,  2023

среда, 16 августа 2023 г.

I will do my work with all my might

 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going." (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

There are many unemployed people on earth, but not in the family of God. All those who are born again receive tasks from the Lord. He appreciates the work done with all the might. It is possible to work with all your might when you realize the importance of work and want to do it wholeheartedly.
Effective work emerges when hands and heart join. Without heart's engagement, hands lack strength and mouth complains.
Every task, whether translation, chores, biblical meditation, or creativity, demands my fullest effort.
I desire to work wholeheartedly and joyfully, seizing every opportunity, I want to work with the right motive: to glorify God and build up His children.
I'll work without procrastination, completing every task I start, and I'll remain undeterred by setbacks.

From my diary,

August 16,  2023