суббота, 30 сентября 2023 г.

What have I done?

 "I listened and heard, but they do not speak aright. No man repented of his wickedness, saying, 'What have I done?' (Jeremiah 8:6).

Here is the Lord's great mercy: He listens and longs to hear words of repentance from His people, whom He is ready to forgive, have mercy on, and restore. But they don't speak aright; they don't say the right words. They don't say it like the tax collector of Jesus' parable: 'O God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' They don't say it like David: 'Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.' They do not say it out of hatred for sin: 'What have I done?' The Lord said to Eve, 'What is this you have done?' There is an accusation in that question, which should put repentance in the heart of the accused. In Jeremiah 8:6, the accuser and the accused must be the same person. A person should make this accusation to himself: 'What have I done?'
What have I done? I have done that which grieves my Lord, is hateful in His sight, and separates me from Him. I have done that which pleases my enemy.
The Lord wants to hear this question from the repentant sinner, and to the one who says, 'What have I done?' He wants to say, 'Your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more.'"

From my diary,

September  30,  2023

пятница, 29 сентября 2023 г.

While I live I will sing

"While I live, I will praise the LORD; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being." - Psalm 146:2
Here is the duration of David's singing: he will sing praises to the Lord as long as he lives. He does not say that he will sing as long as he is happy, as long as he is healthy, or as long as he has no problems, but as long as he lives. If he can breathe, he can sing.
While he lives, he sees the treasures of God's Word; therefore, he has a theme for singing. While he lives, he tastes God's mercy; therefore, he has a theme for song. While he lives, he witnesses God's works and miracles; therefore, admiration and reverence drive him to sing. While he lives, he meditaties on His love, therefore He praises God’s love with a song.
I also have many themes for songs, countless reasons to sing, so I will sing as long as I live.

From my diary,

September  29, 2023


четверг, 28 сентября 2023 г.

Invitation to the backsliders

‘’… I am merciful, saith the LORD, and I will not keep anger for ever.’’ Jeremiah 3:12
An invitation to the backsliders is sent from the Lord,
What a consolation is found in His sweet Word,
"I am merciful," His voice does say,
And anger, I'll not keep, forever stay."
To those who come back His open arms extend,
A promise of forgiveness to repentant is sent
For in His mercy, a boundless sea,
He longs to set repentant hearts all free.
His mercy's light, a beacon in the night,
Guiding lost souls toward His loving heart,
He calls us back, His grace we shall embrace,
In His loving arms we'll find our safe place.

From my diary,

September  28, 2023


среда, 27 сентября 2023 г.

There is hope

 "But you said, ‘There is no hope. No! For I have loved aliens, and after them, I will go.’" (Jeremiah 2:25)

There is hope for every repentant sinner, but the devil will try to convince them that there is no hope. That's a lie. Our enemy wants us to think that there is no hope, that it is impossible to overcome sins. Such thinking leads to sin becoming a habit, a chain of captivity that cannot be broken on its own.
However, the Lord can break the chains of sin in our lives. When the devil tries to make us believe that there is no hope, and we read in the Word of God that the grace of God offers hope to even the greatest sinner, we must not listen to the lies of the devil but believe in the true Word of God.
We have witnessed it in the lives of God's people and in our own experiences. Because He is still on the throne of grace, because His promises are reliable, because He is faithful, because He does not cast out those who come to Him, because His Word has the power to break the chains of sin, because He has never failed those who trust in Him, then surely there is hope for every child of God.

From my diary,

September  27, 2023

вторник, 26 сентября 2023 г.

Only believe

"Be not afraid, only believe." - Mark 5:36
Fear and faith can meet, but they cannot always dwell together. One of the two has to depart because they are not compatible. We want fear to depart, for it is not worthy of a Christian. Fear is, in essence, unbelief. Unbelief is disrespectful to God; it seems to say, "I don't believe what You said. You will not fulfill your promise."
Faith, on the other hand, declares, "You can't be wrong. You will never lie; You will undoubtedly keep Your promise. You can, and You want to fulfill Your promise. You are faithful."
Our Lord has commanded us to believe in His Word; He has given promises to the believers, and He has surrounded us with a multitude of witnesses who believed. Unbelief stands in the way of His promises and our prayers. It must be removed so that we receive His promises and answers to our prayers.
The prayers of the upright please God because they believe that He is the hearer of prayer, and they expect an answer from their faithful Lord.
Lord, I believe in Your power, Your mercy, Your love, and Your promises.

From my diary,

September  26, 2023


понедельник, 25 сентября 2023 г.

Mighty to save


’’... I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.’’ (Isaiah 63:1)
My Lord has said that He is mighty to save, so I have no reason to despair, doubt, worry, or fear.
He has shown that He has the power to save; therefore, I have a reason to unwaveringly believe.
I have seen His saving power in my life; therefore, I can testify about it to others.
I rejoiced His saving power, that’s why I have a theme for my song: He is mighty to save.

From my diary,

September  25, 2023

воскресенье, 24 сентября 2023 г.

Sin: the separating wall


"Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, That it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear." (Isaiah 59:1)
He who does not want a separating wall between himself and God must separate himself from every kind of sin. The hand of the Lord is not shortened; our hand is too short to cling to Him, His ears are not heavy; our ears are too heavy to listen to His instruction and correction. If sin is not confessed and forsaken, it becomes a separating wall between God and humanity. The wall must be destroyed by forsaking and hating sin.
He who desires God's presence must have no sin in his life. 

From my diary,

September  24, 2023

суббота, 23 сентября 2023 г.

Steadfast on the Lord's Path: A Journey of Continual Guidance


"The LORD will guide you continually…" (Isaiah 58:17)
What joy that the Lord's guidance is continual! He doesn't lead us to the middle of the road and say, "Okay, from here you can go alone." Instead, He guides us all the way.
He leads us not from time to time, but all the time. The road may be dark, it may be slippery, and there may be obstacles in my way, but if the Lord is leading, I will not go astray, nor will I fall. I just have to trust His guidance. I should not say, "Lord, wasn't the other way better? Why don't we go on the other side? It's smoother there."
When the Lord leads and I follow Him, I will definitely reach my destination.

From my diary,

September  23, 2023

пятница, 22 сентября 2023 г.

Praise the Lord from sunrise to sunset

"Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD, Praise the name of the LORD!" - Psalm 113:1
To whom is this psalm addressed? To the servants of the Lord. I am among the addressees.
What does the psalmist command us? What every born-again Christian should do: praise God, praise His Name.
When should we praise the Lord? From sunrise to sunset (Psalm 113:3).
Why should we praise God? The psalmist gives several reasons for praising God. Each of us has countless reasons to praise God. These reasons include God's qualities: holiness, mercy, wisdom, power; God's works - creation; our redemption, sanctification, and other works; His attitude towards us: love, mercy, protection. The whole day is not enough to praise God for all of this.

From my diary,

September  22, 2023


четверг, 21 сентября 2023 г.

Faith through God's Word: Finding Trust in the Scriptures


"So that your trust may be in the LORD; I have instructed you today, even you." - Proverbs 22:19

Solomon wrote wise instructions and right advice about every area of life. In this verse, he states the purpose of writing them: so that the reader learns to trust in the Lord. Hearing God's Word produces faith.

Not only the books of Solomon, but the whole Word of God, produces faith. He who knows God's Word, knows His promises, he learned to trust God in every situation. Such a person does not lose hope, not because they are optimistic, but because they have seen that God is faithful to His promises.

Blessed are those who trust in God; God's mercy surrounds them (Psalm 32:10); they have perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3); they have joy (Psalm 33:21); they are safe (Proverbs 29:25); they are steadfast (Psalm 125:1).

So, I will listen, believe, and apply the Word of God. As a result, I will learn to trust in the Lord, and I will be blessed.

From my diary,

September  21, 2023

среда, 20 сентября 2023 г.

Trustworthy Comforter

 "I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you should be afraid of a man who will die, and of the son of man who will be made like grass?" - Isaiah 51:12

No matter how many reasons there are to fear and despair, there is comfort for God's people because God Himself says, "I, even I, am He who comforts you." Other comforters may not understand your sorrow, and others may want to comfort but may not be able to. But God always wants to comfort and knows how to comfort. Why fear man, who will be made like grass when the Almighty Eternal God comforts you?
He comforts us with His constant presence, amazing mercy, and unlimited power. Man's power is limited. Why fear them when our God's power is inexhaustible, and He reigns forever?

From my diary,

September  20, 2023

вторник, 19 сентября 2023 г.

Tthe mighty One is my Redeemer

 ‘’I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.’’ - Isaiah 49:26

Because the mighty One is my Redeemer, I am no longer sin's prisoner,
His promise is eternal, so is my joy,
He is not a Saviour, He is the ONLY Saviour;
He saved me by His grace,
Therefore He alone is worthy of my praise.

From my diary,

September  19, 2023

понедельник, 18 сентября 2023 г.

Keep God's commandment, keep your soul

"He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul; but he that despiseth his ways shall die." - Proverbs 19:16
He who keeps the commandments of God does good for his soul. He keeps his soul from the influence of the enemy, keeps his life in holiness, and keeps his heart in peace and joy.
God commands us to follow His commandments for our own well-being and safety. When we obey God's commandments, we do good to ourselves.
If I keep God's commandments, I become a keeper of my own soul.

From my diary,

September  18, 2023