суббота, 28 декабря 2024 г.

Drawn by His Presence

"We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you." (Zechariah 8:23)
Why will the Gentiles say to God’s people, “We will go with you”? Nothing else will truly attract the unconverted—not fancy programs, exciting events, or eloquent sermons—but only the presence of God. If they have heard that God is with us, they will desire to come with us because they too long for the blessings that God’s presence brings.
Where did they hear this? They heard it from our own testimonies—accounts of God’s protection, guidance, and transformative power in our lives. They also heard it from others who have witnessed these changes in us.
If they have heard, they will say, “We will go with you.” They will come, drawn by Him who is with us—the One who has the words of eternal life.
From my diary,
December 28, 2024


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