четверг, 10 октября 2024 г.

Prayers of the Heart: Let and Let Not in Psalm 119: Let My Heart Be Blameless


 Let My Heart Be Blameless…

"Let my heart be blameless regarding Your statutes, that I may not be ashamed." — Psalm 119:80

Once again, the psalmist asks for the right thing: a blameless heart. He knows that having a blameless heart will leave him with no reason to be ashamed.

A blameless heart is one that longs for holiness, seeks the Lord, hates sin, loves the Word of God, and allows God's Word to dwell within.

Anyone with such a heart will have no reason to be ashamed. A person with a blameless heart will not be condemned by their conscience, knowing that they are living according to their faith. They will also have no reason to be ashamed in front of others—unbelievers will not be able to say, "What kind of believer is this? Unbelievers behave better than him!" Moreover, such a person will not be ashamed at the coming of Jesus. Having boldly confessed Jesus before others, they will be confessed by Jesus before the Father.

This is the desire of every child of God: Let my heart be blameless regarding Your statutes.

Topical meditation 2024

October 10

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