понедельник, 16 сентября 2024 г.

For Such a Time as This: Your Divine Appointment

 "And who knows if perhaps you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this ." – Esther 4:14

Anyone who has a work to do in the kingdom of God will eventually come to a moment in life when, like Mordecai, they are able to recognize the gifts given to them and see how the circumstances of their life were planned by God to fulfill the assignment given to them. Mordecai correctly discerned that Esther became queen not for her own glory or to enjoy wealth, but to save her nation from destruction.
When you recognize that the circumstances of your life—your gifts, your position, and your location—are determined by God for a specific purpose, you should use the opportunities, talents, and resources He has given you. Now, I can apply Mordecai's words to myself: "Who knows if perhaps you have become a translator for such a time as this?" Yes, I believe that God placed it in my heart to learn French and planned for me to learn English as a second language, because years later, I would need that knowledge to serve God and His people.

From my diary,

September 16, 2024

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