понедельник, 30 сентября 2024 г.

Unworthy Yet Loved: The Reason We Love Him

 We love Him because He first loved us. – 1 John 4:19

No one can love God if they do not know that God loves them. Most people either ignore Jesus or oppose Him. Few love Him because few truly know His love. He loved us first, and that's why we love Him.
We love Him; not only the good things, gifts, and blessings He has given us.
We love Him and long for His presence.
We love Him and obey His Word.
We love Him and think of Him.
We love Him and love the things He loves.
We love Him and rejoice in Him.
We love Him and prefer Him above all.
We love Him and His loved ones.
We love Him, and we love to talk about Him. We love to talk with Him.
The One who loves us is wonderful, and we, His loved ones, are unworthy, so it is not surprising that we love Him.
His love is unchanging, indescribable, infinite, sacrificial, saving, and never-ending.
Love for Him is the most effective and strongest of sin-killers.
That’s why I want my love for Him to increase day by day, so that I may put to death all the works of the flesh, sins, and wrong desires. The more I love Jesus, the more easily I will overcome temptation, and the more easily I will kill the things He hates.

From my diary,

September 30, 2024

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