those that fear thee turn unto me, and those that have known thy
testimonies." — Psalm 119:79
God-fearing person desires the company of those who also fear God. A lover of
God's Word delights in communicating with those who know and cherish His Word.
presence of those who fear God and know His Word is a blessing in the life of
every believer. Fellowship with them brings edification, as they love to speak
about the same topics: God's Word, God's works, and God's love. They share the
same desire—to grow in sanctification and bring glory to God with their lives.
They hate the same things: sin and falsehood. They walk the same path, the
narrow way of Jesus, and are citizens of the same city—the heavenly Jerusalem.
the psalmist, I long to be surrounded by people who fear God and know His Word.
Topical meditation 2024
October 9
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