суббота, 1 апреля 2023 г.

Patience to obtain the promise


And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. Hebrews 6:15

This is an important reminder for me; it takes patience to receive the promise. The time between the Lord's promise and its fulfillment can be very long, but when a person has patience, during that long period, he will not get tired, he will not put his hope in someone else, he will not limit God's power, he will not doubt His love and wisdom. His eyes will be open to see the fulfillment of the promise, his mouth will be closed to grumbling and negative assumptions, his heart will continue to believe. When patience is there, one patiently waits for the fulfillment of the promise, however delayed the fulfillment of the promise may be. He does not rush and does not try to find solutions on his own. When there is patience, there are no "what ifs". As surely as the Lord is faithful, so surely I will receive the promises written in the Bible.

Abraham waited a long time for the promise to be fulfilled, but he was not disappointed.

God's promises cannot fail, so those who wait patiently cannot be disappointed. Abraham's patience condemns  the hasty spirit, rebukes the complaining  mouth, encourages the patient heart.

I must follow Abraham's example if I want to receive the same blessing, that is, the promise of God.

From my diary,

March 31, 2023

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