пятница, 22 сентября 2023 г.

Praise the Lord from sunrise to sunset

"Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD, Praise the name of the LORD!" - Psalm 113:1
To whom is this psalm addressed? To the servants of the Lord. I am among the addressees.
What does the psalmist command us? What every born-again Christian should do: praise God, praise His Name.
When should we praise the Lord? From sunrise to sunset (Psalm 113:3).
Why should we praise God? The psalmist gives several reasons for praising God. Each of us has countless reasons to praise God. These reasons include God's qualities: holiness, mercy, wisdom, power; God's works - creation; our redemption, sanctification, and other works; His attitude towards us: love, mercy, protection. The whole day is not enough to praise God for all of this.

From my diary,

September  22, 2023


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