суббота, 23 сентября 2023 г.

Steadfast on the Lord's Path: A Journey of Continual Guidance


"The LORD will guide you continually…" (Isaiah 58:17)
What joy that the Lord's guidance is continual! He doesn't lead us to the middle of the road and say, "Okay, from here you can go alone." Instead, He guides us all the way.
He leads us not from time to time, but all the time. The road may be dark, it may be slippery, and there may be obstacles in my way, but if the Lord is leading, I will not go astray, nor will I fall. I just have to trust His guidance. I should not say, "Lord, wasn't the other way better? Why don't we go on the other side? It's smoother there."
When the Lord leads and I follow Him, I will definitely reach my destination.

From my diary,

September  23, 2023

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