четверг, 23 марта 2023 г.

Invitation to praise the Lord, duration of praise, reasons to praise


In Psalm 146 I see

1. An  invitation to praise the Lord;  Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, O my soul! (Psalm 146;1)

The psalmist not only calls others to praise God, but also himself. To do otherwise would be hypocrisy. What we command others, we must first do ourselves.

2. Duration of Praise: Lifetime. ‘’While I live I will praise the LORD; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.’’  (Psalm 146:2)

3. Reasons to Praise God.

God is the Creator (v.6)

God is the righteous Judge (v. 7)

God is the  Deliverer (v.7)

God is the  Provider (v.7)

God is the Healer (v.8)

God is the  Keeper (v.9)

God is the King (v.10).

And most importantly, He is my God.

Praise the Lord, Hripsime!


From my diary,

March 23, 2023

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