понедельник, 19 февраля 2024 г.

Transformed by Grace

 "'But by the grace of God I am what I am" - 1 Corinthians 15:10

The same grace that transformed a persecutor into an apostle also liberated us, once captive to sin, and made us God's children. As His children, we now abhor sin, overcome its grip, pursue holiness, seek heavenly things, and live by God’s Word.
We can all resonate with Paul's words. The source of all goodness in our lives is the grace of God. It is this grace that guides us along the narrow path to the end.
Understanding that every good thing in us comes from God's grace releases us from pride, complaint, and unbelief. If salvation, victory over sin, and holiness are not earned but freely given, why should we boast? If we have received everything as a gift, how can we be ungrateful and complain? And witnessing the work of grace in our lives, how can we doubt that He will continue and complete His good work?
Faith, gratitude, and humility are powerful ’’sin-killers’’, while pride, complaint, and unbelief are famous ’’sin instigators’’. Therefore, acknowledging that every good thing in our lives is by free grace liberates us from our sins.

From my diary,

February 19,   2024

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