вторник, 30 апреля 2024 г.

Pleasant ways of wisdom

 "Her ways are pleasant ways, And all her paths are peace." - Proverbs 3:17

The ways of wisdom are not only true but also pleasant. However, this may not be evident to everyone. For those who revel in the pleasures of sin, the ways of wisdom seem boring. Yet, to those who fear God, for whom holiness is happiness, and who are liberated from the grasp of sin, the ways of wisdom are indeed delightful. These paths bring joy to those with clear consciences, who find delight in the Lord and meditate on His Word. They cherish communion with Jesus and contemplate heavenly things.
Those outside this path fail to comprehend how the paths of wisdom can be pleasurable. Yet, those who walk in wisdom have personally experienced the joy of traversing these paths.

From my diary,

April 30,  2024

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