And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the LORD am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine. Leviticus 20:26Sanctification is a commandment to which we must obey; sanctify yourselves and be ye holy.
It is also a promise that the Lord fulfills: I am the LORD which sanctify you. Therefore, both effort on our part and faith in the Lord's promise are needed.
In these three verses I see that sanctification is from the Lord, it is His work, not ours. In all verses, the pronoun "I" is written: I am the Lord your God (Therefore My people must be holy like Me), I am the Lord who sanctify you (You have nothing to worry about, because I always fulfill my promise).
I, the Lord, am holy, and I have severed you from other people that ye should be mine. (the ones that belong to me must be holy).
Sanctification is required and it is possible. Sanctification is evidence that the work of the Holy Spirit is done in people.
If I am part of God's own people, then all the things that happen in my life all contribute to my progress in holiness.
The purpose of reading the Bible, listening to sermons, praying, having fellowship with Christians is to become more and more holy.
From my diary,
March 19, 2023