четверг, 11 мая 2023 г.

Feet in the wrong place, eyes in the right place

 My eyes look to the LORD continuously, because he's the one who releases my feet from the trap. Psalm 25:15

A person's eyes are directed to where he expects salvation and help. His eyes are on the person he trusts, who is important and precious to him.
The psalmist would not look to God if he trusted in someone else. His feet were supposed to walk in God's way, but they were in the wrong place; in a trap. But there is nothing to despair because his eyes are in the right place; fixed on the Lord who releases his feet out of the trap.
He does not look at the trap, he does not look at other people who are trapped, he does not look at the enemy that has trapped him, but he looks at the One who will remove his feet from the trap.
Sad reality: trapped
Right decision: to look to the Lord.
A happy assurance: the Lord will release his feet from the trap.

From my diary,

May 11, 2023

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