понедельник, 1 мая 2023 г.

Right choice made, help expected

 Let thine hand help me; for I have chosen thy precepts. Psalm 119:173

He who has made the right choice can ask for the right help from Him who alone can truly help. He wants to help, knows how to help and is able to help.
When the right choice is made, help will come. If my heart has chosen His precepts, then His hand will help me. I choose the Lord's precepts all the days of my life, I choose His precepts regardless of what others choose, I choose His precepts, and reject anything that might make it difficult for me to keep them.
When the commandments of the Lord are chosen, then there is a decision to obey the Word of God, there is a thirst for the Word of God, there are eyes turned to the Word of God, there are feet ready to run in the paths of His commandments, and therefore there is help from Him whose precepts ts we have chosen.
He who has chosen holiness can be sure that the Lord will help him to live a holy life, he who has chosen to serve the Lord can be sure that the Lord will give him the necessary strength, wisdom, and opportunity to serve Him.
I have made my choice, so I can expect help from the Lord.

From my diary,

April 23, 2023

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