пятница, 24 мая 2024 г.

Do You Believe? The Key to Eternal Life


“Do you believe in the Son of Man?” - John 9:35 

“And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” - John 11:26

In today's Bible verses, Jesus asked the same question to the man born blind who was healed and to Martha who had lost her brother: Do you believe? Both responded positively. The man born blind heard this question after receiving his miracle, and Martha before receiving hers, before her brother's resurrection.

This question is crucial because if we sincerely answer it with a "yes," if we believe in Jesus, His words, and His works, we will have eternal life and receive His promises.

Woe to those who cannot answer as Martha did. Jesus did not ask Martha, "Do you understand this?" but rather, "Do you believe this?" Faith is essential. Understanding can come through faith, but faith cannot come through understanding.

We have countless reasons to believe in Jesus' power, works, and promises, and no reason to doubt Him.

From my diary,

May 24,  2024

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