суббота, 25 мая 2024 г.

Gladness in Service: Knowing Whom We Serve

"Serve the LORD with gladness…" - Psalm 100:2

Serving our Lord is not a burdensome duty; it is a privilege and an honor. Therefore, it should be done with gladness.
We serve the Lord with gladness when we truly know whom we are serving: the God who saves us, sanctifies us, cares for us, and loves us. We serve Him with gladness because we understand that our service is never in vain. Our joy is in Jesus, and we seek no joy elsewhere. Recognizing the great honor of serving the King of Kings fills us with gladness.
If the Queen of Sheba called Solomon's servants happy (1 Kings 10:8), how much happier are the servants of Him who is greater than Solomon. I know whom I serve; therefore, I serve Him with joy.

From my diary,

May 25,  2024


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