четверг, 16 мая 2024 г.

Teaching through Experience

"Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will return to You." - Psalm 51:13
No one can teach sinners the ways of God unless they themselves have been freed from sin. No one can share the miracle of forgiveness of sins unless they have experienced it firsthand. A person liberated from sin experiences true joy, which cannot be hidden but will be shared with those who mourn their sins. Such a person, understanding the repulsiveness of sin from personal experience, will compassionately aid those who hate sin and seek liberation. They will not boast of their victories for they remember being once enslaved by sin, freed only by the grace of the Lord. Having tasted the joy of victory, they can impart the secrets of victory to those struggling against sin.

From my diary,

May 16,  2024 


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