суббота, 20 июля 2024 г.

Equipped to Instruct: Full of Goodness and Knowledge

I am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, brimming with knowledge, and able to instruct one another. — Romans 15:14
To teach others effectively, we must be filled with goodness and knowledge—the knowledge of God's Word. Without a solid understanding of Scripture, we cannot offer sound advice. Goodness is not something that exists naturally within us; it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
If someone lacks the fruit of the Spirit, their instruction will likely be harsh or judgmental. Likewise, without knowledge of God's Word, their teaching will fall short. Before admonishing others, I must first be well-versed in Scripture and obedient to it. When I offer guidance to my sisters—whether they are of my age or younger —let me do so with humility and love. Likewise, I should be open to receiving instruction and advice from other believers with willingness and gratitude.

From my diary,

July 20,   2024


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