вторник, 9 июля 2024 г.

The Book of Excellent Counsels

 "Have I not written to you excellent things of counsels and knowledge?" Proverbs 22:20

The rhetorical question in Proverbs 22:20 reminds us of the incredible gift we have in Scripture: a book filled with God's "excellent counsels and knowledge." What a privilege to have such a resource readily available!
These counsels and instructions cover every aspect of life. With God's wisdom readily available, why should I face defeat in my spiritual battles?
He wrote excellent counsels and knowledge, so I should be grateful for them, I should learn and apply them every day, and I should be strengthened, encouraged, and happy with them, passing them on to others. If I am guided by His excellent counsels, I will be able to walk in His narrow path, always have discernment, and never go astray.From my diary,

From my diary,

July 9,  2024

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