вторник, 30 июля 2024 г.

Not Just Admiration But Action

 "But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?" — Luke 6:46

Jesus' question challenges us to examine whether we are truly His servants. It is not enough to hear, enjoy, talk about, or even quote His words. A true servant of Jesus obeys His commands. How simple it is! If Jesus is my Lord, I will do what He says. If I don't, then I acknowledge someone else as my lord, and I serve another master.
Those who ignore Jesus' words, those who admire but do not follow them, and those who decide to obey but delay, are all disobedient. By their actions, they reveal that someone else is their lord. A true servant not only listens to what their Lord says but also obeys it.
Jesus is my Lord. I want not only to hear and admire His words but also to obey them.

From my diary,

July 30, 2024

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