четверг, 25 июля 2024 г.

Seeking His Nearness

"Do not forsake me, O LORD; O my God, be not far from me!" — Psalm 38:21
This prayer of David resonates deeply in the hearts of God's children. No child of God can bear being distant from Him. His presence is vital for us at all times, not just in times of trouble.
Lord, do not be far from me. Do not depart from me, and sin will depart from my life, complaints will leave my lips, and sadness will flee from my heart. Do not depart from me in times of joy, lest my heart be consumed by that joy. Do not depart from me on my journey, for my path is full of snares and dangers.
Be not far from me, and do not let me stray far from You.

From my diary,

July 25, 2024


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