пятница, 30 июня 2023 г.

Words are not enough


And now, O our God, what shall we say after this? For we have forsaken Your commandments. Ezra 9:10
In Ezra's prayer of confession, there was sincere repentance for the sins of his people; he called the sins by their names, mentioned the mercy of God, and His commandments, expressed great sorrow for their sins.
There was no self-justification in his prayer, he did not call sins by other names.
But there came a time when there were no more words in prayer. What shall we say after this? He was so grieved because of sins that he could no longer find words.
Every Christian has experienced the same, when words are not enough to express the hatred for sins, the anger at oneself, the longing to be free from sin, the gratitude for God's mercy, the willingness to obey the Word of God.
Words are not enough, but God hears the voice in the heart.

From my diary,

June 30,  2023

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