четверг, 27 июня 2024 г.

All is Well: A Spiritual Self-Assessment

 “‘Are you all right?’ ‘Everything is all right.’” - 2 Kings 4:26

We often hear this question that Elisha asked the Shunammite woman through his servant: "Are you all right?" We can ask ourselves this question to examine our spiritual condition.
Blessed is the one who can honestly answer this question: "I am all right."
I am all right because the temperature of my love for God is high: I love Him with all my heart, all my mind, and all my strength. I am all right because my heart is functioning well. I long for holiness, hate sin, rejoice in truth, and grieve for my sins.
I am all right because I don't have an eating disorder in the spiritual sense. I am hungry for the Word of God, I feed on the pure Word of God, and I refuse the fast food of the world.
I am all right because my spiritual sight is good. I see the wonders of God's Word, I see my own weaknesses, the traps set by the enemy, and God's power. And I do not set nothing wicked before my eyes (Psalm 101:3).
I am all right because my spiritual hearing is good. I hear the rebuke of God's Word and the warning of my conscience when I do something wrong.
I am all right because I do not have a memory disorder. I remember the cleansing of my former sins (2 Peter 1:9), God's commandments (Psalm 119:176), God's promises, God's works, and blessings. I remember God's children in my prayers.
I am all right because I have the strength to run the race of faith.
I am all right because I have a refuge; the Lord is my hiding place. I have beautiful clothing: the clothing of Colossians 3:12-14.
I am all right because I am a child of Almighty God, and He takes care of all my worries.

From my diary,

June 27,  2024

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