суббота, 29 июня 2024 г.

Sinful silence

 “We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent.” - 2 Kings 7:9

The four lepers, who were the first to discover that the Syrian army had fled, leaving behind all their possessions, initially enjoyed the treasures and food they found. However, they soon realized that it was wrong to keep such good news to themselves. They went and spread the word that the Syrian army was gone and all their treasures were left in Samaria. They understood that it was a sin to be full and not inform the hungry about the abundant food. Elisha's prophecy was fulfilled, and the four lepers were the first witnesses. Had they remained silent, many people would have starved, and it would have been their fault.
There is a silence that is sinful. When you know the good news and remain silent, when you are aware of where the spiritual food is and do not inform the hungry, when you know that the Savior is Jesus but do not tell the lost, you are sinning. Imagine the impact if all Christians declared: "We are not doing right; today is a day of good news, and we remain silent."

From my diary,

June 29,  2024

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