суббота, 15 июля 2023 г.

Act as you already received your miracle

He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored as whole as the other. Mark 3:5
When Jesus healed the sick, he commanded them to act like a healthy person. Jesus told the man with the withered hand to stretch out his hand, something that only people with healthy hands can do. Jesus performed the miracle by commanding the man to act as if he had already received the miracle. The man stretched out his hand, and and it was restored as whole as the other. He obeyed and received the miracle. Faith does the impossible when the believer does the impossible. That man did not say: "How can I stretch out my hand when it is withered?" The Lord knew that his hand was withered, He also knew that it would be healed. Man made an effort, and while making an effort, he received a miracle.
This teaches me that the same applies to the spiritual life. Jesus commands us to be holy, and He Himself sanctifies us. When we act as if we are already sanctified, we become sanctified as a result, but it is the Lord who sanctifies us. We become prayer warriors by praying, we become holy by practicing holiness. So I will always rely on the Lord, and pray, but I will not underestimate the importance of efforts.

From my diary,

July 15,,  2023

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