воскресенье, 5 ноября 2023 г.

One heart, a gift from God


A heart that is not divided between God and the world
Is a precious gift promised from our Lord,
He promised to grant us one heart, a pure heart
A new spirit to us He promised to impart.
This heart is undivided, filled with God’s love,
Filled with true faith and wisdom from above,
With unwavering faith, it stands the test,
In God's Word, it finds its perfect rest.
Determined to serve the Lord, all sin it will defy,
Crushing idols, on God's Word it'll rely.
No human effort can this heart create,
Only God's grace can make it truly great.
A heart undivided, sincere and true,
Devoted to God, God’s promise will pursue. 
From my diary,

November 5,   2023

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