четверг, 4 января 2024 г.

Blessed to be a blessing

"I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing." - Genesis 12:2

Those blessed by God become a blessing to others. God gives us gifts, both natural and spiritual, to serve Him and His children.  The Lord teaches us His Word not only for ourselves but so  that we may use it to uplift and encourage others too.  He provides material goods to help others. He grants us a spirit of prayer to pray  not only for ouselves but for others too.

When someone is a blessing to me, their words spiritually edify me, their friendship positively influences my spiritual life, and their life serves as an example for me.

How can I be a blessing to God's children?

1.Setting an example: Living a sanctified life of faith and love. A holy life brings glory to God and blessings to His children. If I have faith and I show it by my actions,  I strengthen the faith of those with weak faith. If I have true joy, I am thankful  in every situation, I teach those in despair to be be joyful.

2. Praying for them.

3. Using my talents and knowledge for their  spiritual edification..

4. Sharing material goods. A heartfelt gift can be a blessing.

I pray that the Lord will enable me to be a blessing to His children, encouraging them, praying for them  and serving them.

From my diary,

January 4,  2024 


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